The Bible teaches us that children are a gift from God.
They are given to parents, and it is the responsibility of parents to give their children back to God. Giving a child to God first involves the surrender of the parents' will to the will of God for their child. Most of the parents of our church have dedicated their children to the Lord here in the services of our church and what a blessing for our church family to pray for these children at the beginning. It is one of the joys of our church to see its children grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Together we pray that God will save their souls early so they can give their entire lives to the Lord. Then we continue to pray that God will use them to make a difference in our world for Christ. We love having a church family to surround these precious children in the love of God.
We believe that children are the future of our church and nation. Because of this, we have dedicated and loving teachers who study God's Word so that they can teach Bible stories and foundations of God's Word. Our children's ministry includes Sunday Schools for all ages, Sunday night worship services, and Wednesday evening programs called "King's Kids." Each week children are taught to hide God's Word in their hearts, to have fun together through games and activities and to worship the Lord in song through our children's choir.
There is a place here at Seagate for your children and grandchildren! We thank God for the opportunity to see all of our children learning the truths of God's Word in a loving and fun-filled environment.