Please join us at the
Naples Live Nativity!
Free Admission:
(Admission Ticket not required)
Friday, December 13, 2019
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Sunday, December 15, 2019
6:00 to 8:00 p.m. each night
People from around our city and beyond have enjoyed attending this Naples Christmas tradition. Many have said they love the beauty and authenticity of this event as well as experience what it may have felt like to be there on that night so long ago.
Yes, Christmas is about the birth of God's only begotten Son. Jesus Christ was born in a lowly manger. There Jesus took on flesh and became a servant. Through His sinless life, His atoning blood, His death, burial and resurrection, all who will believe can be made alive and have everlasting life.
Join us for any or all of these three special nights as we present the birth of Christ through song and live re-enactment. There is no charge for this event. There will be complimentary refreshments and a special gift for every family who attends. Please register on the form below if you are planning to join us.

Live Animals, Refreshments,
The Birth of Christ Reenacted,
Children's Presentation,
Characters in Full Costume,
Christmas Carols,
Bible Message Presented,
Free Gift for Every Family